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Praesent dapibus ultricies eros.

Fusce mi quam, fringilla nec condimentum non, ullamcorper et nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus et sem vel enim congue blandit a ut ante. Donec tortor mauris, rhoncus at mollis at, mattis eget massa. Duis dui sem, pellentesque placerat dapibus ac, feugiat vitae purus.

Donec ut sapien non orci finibus scelerisque. Nulla posuere tristique enim, quis tempus erat commodo quis. Phasellus est justo, mollis sed pellentesque a, faucibus nec nunc. Ut gravida risus nec diam pretium, quis malesuada libero pharetra. Donec tempus, purus vel dignissim malesuada, ex orci egestas augue, a porttitor justo nisl quis sem. Proin dictum neque risus, non tempor massa pulvinar sed. Maecenas interdum imperdiet varius. Cras id volutpat urna, vitae finibus eros. Donec ultricies risus dolor.

Etiam condimentum turpis sit.

360x240Suspendisse sagittis, sem a dapibus facilisis, turpis risus luctus urna, ut luctus lectus risus quis leo. Phasellus in elit bibendum, vehicula eros vel, mollis libero. Vivamus vestibulum tortor metus, eu ornare augue ultricies in.

Suspendisse sagittis, sem a dapibus facilisis, turpis risus luctus urna, ut luctus lectus risus quis leo. Phasellus in elit bibendum, vehicula eros vel, mollis libero. Vivamus vestibulum tortor metus, eu ornare augue ultricies in. Nulla dictum tempor mattis. Etiam ac libero eu diam suscipit pharetra.

Vivamus ornare ultrices dolor, in gravida ex gravida et. Vivamus nec nulla eu ligula pharetra molestie. Sed ultrices odio mauris, eu dignissim lacus feugiat laoreet. Curabitur a ante varius, sagittis eros at, facilisis leo. Vestibulum non ex fringilla, vestibulum urna vitae, pharetra est. Proin eget gravida orci, eu euismod dui.

Donec tellus mi, semper at molestie sit amet, luctus eget ligula. Integer ut laoreet lectus. Nam sed aliquam justo. Etiam tellus libero, aliquet eget vestibulum a, fermentum at justo. Sed maximus turpis sit amet diam mollis convallis vitae rhoncus libero. Maecenas vitae libero sed purus pharetra malesuada.

Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Quisque ut nisi. Donec mi odio, faucibus at, scelerisque quis, convallis in, nisi. Suspendisse non nisl sit amet velit hendrerit rutrum. Ut leo. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit. Proin pretium, leo ac pellentesque mollis, felis nunc ultrices eros, sed gravida augue augue mollis justo. Suspendisse eu ligula. Nulla facilisi. Donec id justo. Praesent porttitor, nulla vitae posuere iaculis, arcu nisl dignissim dolor, a pretium mi sem ut ipsum. Curabitur suscipit suscipit tellus.

CategoriesBlog Listing Listing

How to choose a real estate agent

Real estate has been a driving force in world economies since the days of Babylon, one of the most fantastic developments the world has ever known, and the desire to create, not destroy, is alive and well. As the world grows more populous and available land diminishes, the opportunities that real estate development has to offer are vast and obtainable. As we descend from the booming 90s and find ourselves burdened with the realities of our own self-inflicted economic implosion cause by greed and speculation, many investors find solace in the tangible world of real estate. Moreover, the malignant affects of September the 11th are still cascading down through our economy, which is causing an ever-increasing desire for a more concrete wealth-building option not offered by many paper investments. Many investors are still coping with the fall of such giants as Enron and WorldCom, while others are looking for the stability that the real estate market offers, and when you add all these ingredients to the grossly over-priced US stock market, one finds a more appealing meal in the fascinating world of real estate. Read more “How to choose a real estate agent”

CategoriesBlog Listing Listing

Give tips for buying investment properties

Real estate has been a driving force in world economies since the days of Babylon, one of the most fantastic developments the world has ever known, and the desire to create, not destroy, is alive and well. As the world grows more populous and available land diminishes, the opportunities that real estate development has to offer are vast and obtainable. As we descend from the booming 90s and find ourselves burdened with the realities of our own self-inflicted economic implosion cause by greed and speculation, many investors find solace in the tangible world of real estate. Moreover, the malignant affects of September the 11th are still cascading down through our economy, which is causing an ever-increasing desire for a more concrete wealth-building option not offered by many paper investments. Many investors are still coping with the fall of such giants as Enron and WorldCom, while others are looking for the stability that the real estate market offers, and when you add all these ingredients to the grossly over-priced US stock market, one finds a more appealing meal in the fascinating world of real estate. Read more “Give tips for buying investment properties”

CategoriesBlog Listing Listing

Discuss renting versus buying

Real estate has been a driving force in world economies since the days of Babylon, one of the most fantastic developments the world has ever known, and the desire to create, not destroy, is alive and well. As the world grows more populous and available land diminishes, the opportunities that real estate development has to offer are vast and obtainable. As we descend from the booming 90s and find ourselves burdened with the realities of our own self-inflicted economic implosion cause by greed and speculation, many investors find solace in the tangible world of real estate. Moreover, the malignant affects of September the 11th are still cascading down through our economy, which is causing an ever-increasing desire for a more concrete wealth-building option not offered by many paper investments. Many investors are still coping with the fall of such giants as Enron and WorldCom, while others are looking for the stability that the real estate market offers, and when you add all these ingredients to the grossly over-priced US stock market, one finds a more appealing meal in the fascinating world of real estate. Read more “Discuss renting versus buying”

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+92 321 5551561

Rafi Arcade, First Floor Mini Ext 2

Main Expressway Phase 7 ,Bahria Town Rawalpindi Pakistan.


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The Group successfully ventured into Real Estate by creating a series of residential spaces at strategic locations in Bahria Town Phase 1-6 , Bahria Town Phase 7 & 8 and DHA Islamabad under the Name of RAJASUNITED

Our mission is to engage in issues that are of concern to individuals, families and communities through an uncompromising commitment to create outstanding living, work and leisure environments.


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